Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Home Sweet Home

After a long ten days of scrapping, mudding, sanding and TONS of painting, we are all moved in! We are really excited to say that we are now officially residents of SLP. We are cracking away at the unpacking and we still have our work cut out for us, but here is a peek of some of the stuff we have done.

The bathroom needed some pizazz, so we painted it a light blue color. We still have to replace the shower doors and vanity and re-tile the floor.

The master we painted a light cucumber green and got our bed set up along with some temporary window treatments. 

Our dining table actually fit in the corner of our kitchen! Small miracles. This is the window that we will eventually knock out and add a glass door leading out to a backyard deck. I predict that I will be lounging out in my PJs shouting at the dog in no time! Lucky neighbors.

The living room still needs some serious decorating but at least we have a place for me to watch Real Housewives and drink my wine (duh). Excuse the box in the corner. It is not decor, it is just laziness.

Notice that the rehab-ed coffee table looks awesome. The TV stand is one of my future furniture projects. I love that vintage buffet style. I am going to paint it and add some new hardware. 

Just last night I mentioned to Jeremy that I wanted to tear out the nasty stained carpet on the stairway to the master. Well, that is all it took before he started tearing away. After we (mostly Jer) pulled staples out for about two hours we were impressed that the wood beneath is in pretty decent shape!



They need to be sanded and refinished or painted somehow, but this is something that we will chip away at. 

Last, here is Sammy enjoying the backyard. We have already busted out the charcoal Weber grill (my dad would be so proud) and hung out in some lawn chairs like the classy folks that we are. By the way, if anyone is getting rid of some patio furniture, holler at ya girl! 

I appreciate you following our progress, there is much more to come. We are grateful for all of the well wishes! 

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