Sunday, August 10, 2014

We Closed! Let the Work Commence

We own a house. Thursday, August 7th we closed and I started working on the house that evening. We have exactly 10 days until we move and we wanted to get as much done as possible. Thursday night we got all of our supplies unloaded and came up with a game plan.

First up, the kitchen. New appliances were being delivered right away Friday morning so I needed to make sure that the kitchen was painted before they got there. Cue the long night of taping and painting.

Here is the kitchen before:

Notice the toupe-y green color and the absolutely ancient appliances. Because this was a bank-owned property we were not surprised to learn that they had actually taken the existing stove out of the house and replaced it with the oldest thing I have ever seen. I am surprised it even worked.

I wanted to lighten the color up a bit while matching the counter tops and the tile that we bought for the back splash. I went with something called "Safari Vest." Here is the result:

That is my parent's dog Roger. He provided tremendous moral support as I slaved away edging around all of those dang cabinets. Also, notice the brand new stainless steel appliances! I have always wanted stainless steel appliances. I know that they are so "last year" and all, and the new thing is to buy black appliances or solar powered or something but I don't care. I love the mix of industrial looking with the white cabinets and woodwork. They really pop! I may have given the new fridge a hug and welcomed it to the family. Don't judge.

The kitchen still needs a bit of work. We are adding a back splash and knocking out the window to the backyard to add a door leading out to a deck (all of which we have yet to start). However, I feel good about the progress so far. It is nice to have one room looking more done than the others.

Until next time!

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