Friday, August 29, 2014

How to Observe the Building of a Chain-Link Fence

Ok, I have to admit that this is the first thing on the house that I didn't really help with. Jeremy and my step-dad David built a chain link fence last weekend so that the beagle could freely roam and harass the neighbor dogs.

Day One - we had to rent an auger to dig the holes for the posts. They then poured cement into the holes and let them dry.

Day Two - it was super hot and Jeremy's mom and sister came over to see the house. We watched the boys stretch the fencing to the poles and attach them with brackets.

The finished product was basically chain-link fencing where the neighbors' fences stopped so that we had a nicely enclosed yard with two gates.

The beagle was very happy indeed and made sure that he made laps around the entire perimeter just to show that he could.

Kind of a boring project to show all of you, but these are some of the important smaller things that we need to get done before we start blowing holes in the side of the house.

We are now planning the patio door and deck building. We need a ton of permits and stuff from the city so we are taking things one at a time and just focusing on the door first. More to come as we chip away at some more details. Bye!

1 comment:

  1. It is fun seeing all that you are doing to this home! Love seeing the progress and touches you put in! :)

    -Georgie R
